
Aurveda : Reasons behind heart blockages, and remedies

Dated : 22nd Jun, 2013 Source : Extract from email of well-wisher. हमारे देश भारत मे 3000 साल एक बहुत बड़े ऋषि हुये थे उनका नाम था महाऋषि वागवट जी !!  उन्होने एक पुस्तक लिखी थी जिसका नाम है अष्टांग हृदयम!! और इस पुस्तक मे उन्होने ने बीमारियो को ठीक करने के लिए 7000 सूत्र लिखे थे ! ये उनमे से ही एक सूत्र है !! वागवट जी लिखते है कि कभी भी हरद्य को घात हो रहा है ! मतलब दिल की नलियो मे blockage होना शुरू हो रहा है ! तो इसका मतलब है कि रकत ( blood) मे acidity( अमलता ) बढ़ी हुई है ! अमलता आप समझते है ! जिसको अँग्रेजी मे कहते है acidity !! अमलता दो तरह की होती है ! एक होती है पेट कि अमलता ! और एक होती है रक्त ( blood) की अमलता !! आपके पेट मे अमलता जब बढ़ती है ! तो आप कहेंगे पेट मे जलन सी हो रही है !! खट्टी खट्टी डकार आ रही है ! मुंह से पानी निकाल रहा है ! और अगर ये अमलता (acidity) और बढ़ जाये ! तो hyperacidity होगी !  और यही पेट की अमलता बढ़ते-बढ़ते जब रक्त मे आती है तो रक्त अमलता( blood acidity) होती !! और जब blood मे acidity बढ़ती है तो ये अमलीय

Google can predict your risk of a heart attack by scanning your retina

Your eyes might be the perfect windows into your heart. At least, they're windows that Google-created artificial intelligence software can use to calculate your risk factors for heart disease. Just read full article at:

MILLETS - The Miracle Grains


Book on Diet Care : Indian Super foods, change the way you eat


Book on Diet care : Don't loose your mind, Loose your weight


Online tool post : Find out your heart age

Dated : 11-JUL-2013 Source : What is Heart's Age? Did you know that your heart can actually have an age, which can be different from your actual age. The Science behind the Heart's Age. The Framingham Heart Study provides a quantification of the risk of cardio vascular disease in the form of the Heart's age. The objective is to guide people in preventive heart care*. What are its implications? Knowing your Heart's age can help you take the right action to keep your heart young. Many factors affecting your Heart's age are within your control. Your choice of a heart-healthy lifestyle can go a long way in making sure your heart stays young. Disclaimer: This calculator is only meant for people who do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases at the present such as heart attack, stroke, angina, heart surgery. The calculator is not applicable for pregnant and lactating women. The calculator might underestimate the heart disease risk for women.

Research Post : Men at risk, India tops the world in heart attacks among 35 plus men... Common perception vs Reality

Dated : 10-JUL-2013 Source : India Today The India Today-Saffolalife Study 2011 on 46,000 urban Indians shows that 78 per cent of men between 30 and 34 run the risk of a heart attack. And their hearts are ageing faster than their real age. Here are the common perceptions that the study blows apart: Your biological  age is the same as your heart age REALITY  "Calendar age has little to do with organ function.  People remain much younger than their birth age if they look after themselves," says Dr Prashant Joshi of Government Medical College, Nagpur, who led the Indian chapter of the interheart study. "The risk factors affect blood vessels, which in turn affect the heart. The 17th century physician Thomas Sydenham had once famously said, you are as old as your arteries," he adds. "Changing one's lifestyle is very difficult. Knowing the heart age can motivate people to adopt a healthy lifestyle." Indians are genetically vulnerable to heart dis

Stroke Care Post : You could save a loved one's life by knowing this simple information !!!

Dated : 30th Jun, 2013 Source : Facebook post Stroke has a new indicator !  Blood Clots/Stroke - Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue. During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) ...she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, she went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Her husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM she passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.  Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps she would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally.  He said the trick was getting a stro